Data Options Dialog

Controlling the way data units are represented

Data Options

To access this dialog:

  • Select Setup | Options from the Home ribbon. In the Options dialog, select the Data tab.

  • Use the command line entry 'show-system-options'. Select the Data tab.

The Data section of the Options dialog is used to determine the metrics used when drawing data to the screen.

Field Details


Drawing Units: select either [Metric] or [Imperial] units for drawing information to the screen. Once specified, these units are used in the 3D and Plots windows.

Data Units: select either [Metric] or [Imperial] units to be associated with a data object. This setting applies to the Design, and Plots windows..

Model Intersection Plane: where the intersection of a block model and a plane is being displayed, an ambiguity can occur when the plane falls exactly on a cell boundary. This is caused by the fact that the two adjacent cells will intersect the plane at the same point, so it is not clear which should be used to dictate drawing attributes. To resolve this ambiguity, your application detects the case where a plane falls on a major cell boundary, and then offsets the plane by a small amount so that it falls into either one cell, or the other.

To control how this issue is handled, theModel Intersection Plane Biasoption exists in both theFormat Displaydialog and theOptionsdialog (where the system default is set), which allows control over whether the intersection plane is biased forwards (in the direction of the plane normal), or backwards. The offset amount is preset at 1E-6 in block coordinates (i.e 1E-6*block width/height/length, as appropriate). In addition to the application option, individual overlays can override the default option with overlay-specific preferences.

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The Options dialog